The recent changes that have occurred within the entertainment and music industry have occurred among music industry executives. There have been many changes at the major record labels, publishing companies and performing right’s organizations. Recently there has been many promotions, promoting current executives to higher ranks within the industry.
Courtney Lowery is among one of those that earned a promotion. Lowery was promoted to the VP of Publicity at Epic Records allowing him to specialize in the design and implementation of global media campaigns including digital, print, social media and new technologies. Further changes in the industry include industry veteran founding MRKT Music, a music label and label services provider. The company will partner with Nile Rodgers’ Sumthing Distribution for all physical releases. More information relating to personnel changes can be found at, visit this link.
One of the ground shaking changes includes the resignation of two Universal Music Group (UMG) executives in one week. One of those executives is Rob Wells, president of global digital business, that is leaving to pursue entrepreneurial endeavors. Following the announcement, UMG decided to reassess their digital media and marketing plan. Changes are expected to occur transitioning the company from a one size fits all imprints to allowing each imprint to be individually branded. To read more about the upcoming changes at UMG, click