Sunday, September 21, 2014

“The Power of Performing Arts” as delivered by Ben Cameron at TEDxYYC

Art administrator and live-theatre connoisseur, Ben Cameron, delivered a Ted Talk about the importance and power of performing arts.  Cameron, like many living in the digital age consumes music and movies using devices such as iPods and over the Internet. The popularity of the iPod and the availability of digital downloads have changed the structure of the entertainment industry; fans no longer purchase physical albums when digital copies are available for a fraction of the price or can be accessed for free.

Cameron acknowledges his passion for the arts and entertainment along with his adaptation of the ways he consumes art.  As an arts administrator, Cameron states it is important that the theatre and opera rethinks the way each entity interacts with fans. Reassessing the practice of charging theatre patrons $100 per ticket when these are the same persons that download music for $.99 per track was important for many theaters to keep their doors open. Performing artists have reinvented themselves and the way in which they do their jobs. No longer are the days of just stage actors, many actors use their skills to help communities in need such as providing therapeutic releases for prisoners and school children dealing with violence and societal issues.

As an art administrator, Ben Cameron embraced changes in the entertainment industry and though proactively about how he could prepare his theatre for change. Theatre is an aspect of the entertainment business that has experienced little change in interaction with fans since the inception of paid theatre. There are many examples of theaters and operas that are now struggling due to the changing tastes of art patrons. Cameron exhibits bravery in an industry where many follow the notion of “if its not broken, don’t fix it” and applying fixes when it may be too late. Cameron encourages artists to use their talents in non-traditional ways to share the art of theatre with new audiences, teach and heal communities. Art administrators, managers and artists should be able to anticipate changes by studying the landscape of the entertainment industry as a whole and make changes accordingly, Cameron was able to do just that.

Cameron, B. (2010, Feb.). Ben Cameron: The True Power of Performing Arts. TEDxYYC. Retrieved Sep. 20, 2014, from